07. November '24 since the last weeks have been pretty packed and busy, we take it slower this week. just some admin work, improving the eShop,... OFFICE DAYS & VACATION _v09 11/07/2024
31. October '24 it's been a busy week. i was heading towards manchester to see the opening ot the Represent Store and had some appointments with... RUNNING A MARATHON _v08 10/31/2024
24. October '24 yes we just launched the brand. yes it's not even winter. but the process continues. this week we take you with us... OFFICE DAYS & RUNNING _v07 10/24/2024
17. October '24 since we always are one week behind (since Dennis needs to review, cut and edit everything ;-) ) we share now everything... FINAL DRAFT GO LIVE _v06 17/10/2024
10. October '24 the date has come - we are finally pushing the store online! we decided to give you a bit more insights on why... VISION OF FINAL DRAFT _v05 10/10/2024
03.October '24 the launch is coming closer and closer. this week we are taking you with us to our debut campaign shoot. see the stuff that... FIRST CAMPAIGN SHOOT _v04 10/03/2024
26.September '24 another week has passed. this week we were looking into an option to create a space in frankfurt, something that can work as an... STORE & BRAND UPDATE _v03 09/26/2024
19.September '24 This week we've been in Munich for the fabric start trade show. it's mandatory for us to just see what new fabrics have been... MUNICH FABRIC START _v02 09/19/2024
we decided to take you with us on our journey to build a brand- from the very beginning. over the next weeks we will share you... INTRODUCING FINAL DRAFT _v01 09/12/2024